Seinfeld Declassified Episode 59: Can you permanently cancel your mail?
Hello, Newman. So today we come to yet another classic episode. After being bombarded by catalogues, the k man sets out to permanently cut off his mail supply but is it actually possible to do this in real life? That’s exactly why we sent out researchers out into the field to get to the bottom of this mystery once & for all.
So as it turns out, technically you can but it’s not as simple as the k man made it seem. First, you have to take down your mailbox then go to the post office & tell them you want to cease all mail. But as far as those who live in an apartment complex, I’m not sure what the protocol would be for that. In any case, it’s a moot point since nobody is dumb enough to try this anyway. There is also a protocol in place to stop mail for those who have passed anyway but that’s a whole different kettle of fish.
So that’s pretty much all I have for you guys today but thank you so much for reading. Have a great weekend & I will see you back here next week for a brand new episode of Seinfeld Declassified. Until then, this is the x factor signing off.