Seinfeld Declassified Episode 58: Could you safely store blood in your own fridge?
Hello, Neman. So as we continue along with the final season, we come to the iconic blood episode. Long story short, the k man starts storing his blood in his own fridge after uncovering some hidden fees at the blood bank but is this actually a viable option? We put our best researchers on the case & here is what they were able to uncover.
So long story short, of course not. Studies have shown that red blood cells degrade when refrigerated for weeks at a time. You see, the k man had it all wrong; at blood banks, they don’t refrigerate your blood; they freeze it. So if he put it in his fridge, it’s only a matter of time before it goes bad & expires at which point (unless you’re a vampire), it would be pretty much useless to you.
So the bottom line is whatever the k man does, just do the opposite because he’s clearly not right in the head. That’s about all I have for you guys today but listen, have a great week & I will see you back here next weekend for a brand new episode of Seinfeld Declassified. Until then, this is the x factor signing off.