Seinfeld Declassified Episode 54: What is the deal with the dude?
Hello, Newman. As we reach the epic season finale, we come to the summer of george, an episode all about what happens when you squander your severance, fill seats at the tony’s, unintentionally antagonize a woman who doesn’t swing her arms when she walks & date a woman who has a “dude.” But what was the deal with Lyle anyway? As cool as he is, it’s never explained who he was or what his precise relationship to Lanette is. So that’s what we’ll be diving in to discover in this week’s episode.
So we sent our expert investigators out on the scene & here’s what they uncovered. He is wearing a ring but it’s too large to be a wedding ring; if anything, it looks more like a class ring so I don’t think they’re married. What seems to be going on here is they are in fact in an open relationship. You see, back in the 60’s, the counterculture movement was in full swing & if there’s one thing they valued above all else (aside from world peace), it was polyamory. This type of sentiment bled over into the 70’s, 80’s & even the early 90’s so it’s entirely possible they’re just practicing what is commonly known as free love.
& in case you were wondering, yes, they really do have seat fillers at award shows & yes, it is exactly as dumb as you’re imagining. The Sam storyline is also based on a true story as was the dude. I know they were making fun of Raquel Welch being difficult to work with but ironically enough, the cast said they had no problems with her while shooting this episode. I guess she was just trying to break away from that stereotype. Needless to say, it was the best summer of George ever. So that is pretty much all I have for guys today but thank you so much for reading. Have a great week & I will see you back here next week for a brand new episode of Seinfeld Declassified. Until then, this is the x factor signing off.