Seinfeld Declassified Episode 34: What exactly was the downtown project?
Hey, guys. So just when you thought we had covered everything there was to cover in this episode, you better think again, mojumbo. So while Newman & the k man were having crazy adventures on the open road, can’t-stand-ya was busy trying to figure out his assignment. So just what was he supposed to do as part of this project Mr. Wilhelm gave him? Well, that’s what we’re about to uncover in this week’s episode.
So let’s walk through this step by step, shall we? First, Mr. Wilhelm advises him to head down to payroll which he does. Unfortunately, that proves to be a dead end since he’s unable to extract any details from La Forge (yes, that is actually his name according to the credits) after being apprised of the situation.
So then Mr. Wilhelm expects him to head downtown & indicates there might be some sort of correlation between the titular song & the project itself. Unfortunately, though, we don’t get much more than that & a thorough examination of the lyrics over lunch at monk’s doesn’t seem to help matters either.
Then the next time we see him, not only is the project somehow already magically done but apparently it’s completed to a tee. So what’s going on here? Well, in the next scene, we discover Mr. Wilhelm has failed to take his meds (which brings up a whole other mystery but we’ll save that for the next episode) that seems to explain his memory lapses & also heavily implies he completed the project himself (or that it was already done, either by him or someone else, & he just forgot about it).
But what exactly did the project entail in the first place? Well, let’s look at the facts, shall we? We know his official title is assistant to the traveling secretary which heavily implies that Mr. Wilhelm is the aforementioned traveling secretary. So more than likely, the project was to make some sort of travel arrangements for some or all members of the team.
But what could be so important that it needs to be done as quickly & efficiently as possible? Well, my first thought was the world series but, seeing as this episode aired in April & the world series doesn’t kick off until October, I think we can rule that out. However, I did some research & there is one important MLB event that is much closer to the airdate of this particular episode: the all-star game. So as Mr. Wilhelm would say, there’s your answer. Case closed.
So I think that about wraps things up for this episode but thank you guys so much for reading. Have a great weekend & I will see you back here next week for a brand new episode of Seinfeld Declassified. Until then, this is the x factor signing off.