Seinfeld Declassified Episode 20: Will the real assman please stand up?
The hits just keep on coming as we barrel towards the end of the season. So our episode kicks off with the k man getting his new license plate only to find they got his mixed up with one that says assman but is this based on a true story? Well, it’s a bit complicated.
According to my research, there was no one with that license plate back in the 90’s but later on, there was an instance of someone who fought to have that on his license plate. Here’s a story you’re going to love. It seems back in 2019, there was a man by the name of (I kid you not) David Assman and he was adamant about having his surname on his license plate. Unfortunately, the Canadian government pushed back on this but he kept fighting no matter what the cost may be.
In the end, he found a clever workaround: in lieu of his plates, he opted to display it as a decal on the back of his truck. As you can imagine, this news went viral among seinfeld fans all over the world as they were delighted to finally have a real-life version of the assman. No word on exactly what he does but I think it’s safe to say he’s not a proctologist. But in any case, it’s a fun story to tell your kids (when they’re old enough).
But if you do actually want an assman license plate of your own, they are available on amazon for as low as $13. Just don’t use it to steal a proctologist’s parking space. So that’s about all I have for you guys today but thank you so much for reading. Have a great day & I will see you back here tomorrow for a brand new episode of SD. Until then, this is the x factor signing off.