Finding the peace within yourself
2 min readSep 16, 2021
It occurred to me in the last piece, I didn’t provide you with nearly as much sage wisdom as I could so I figured it was about time to rectify that. So we’ll go through the five major steps you can take to find inner peace & become one with the universe.
- Steps toward inner peace: If you love to read, you need to get a copy of STIP, the only book peace pilgrim, a prominent peace activist, ever wrote. It’s only 32 pages so it won’t take you long but it’s full of profound insight on learning what it means to be a peaceful warrior. And you can get it for free just by going to their website:
- Take a hike: it may sound too simple but a simple walk through the woods can put you at one with nature & make you see the beauty that is all around you for the first time. You’d be surprise what one short walk can do for your inner peace; it’s how peace pilgrim became the incredible activist she was later in life.
- Train yourself to let go: it might sound cruel but the sooner you come to terms with the tenuous nature of existence (& everything in it), the better off you’ll be. When you get to that state of mind, you’ll be able to have the best of both worlds & will never be crushed under the burden of oppressive emotions ever again.
- Do what you feel: one of the things I’ve learned is to be your own catharsis in life. whatever brings you pleasure (so long as it’s legal), you should have a field day with it. Whether it’s singing, art, science experiments or whatever, you should always make time for yourself & your interests.
- Live: it may sound pretty obvious but really, the best thing you can do is make a life for yourself. Find those who bring out the best in you & take advantage of every opportunity you have. We only go around once so you might as well make the most of it.
And that’s about all I have for you. So just do your best & best of luck to you in your pursuit of inner peace.